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5 Ways to Improve Efficiency & Streamline Your Vista Processes

Interested in learning more about HR Management? Visit our website today: 5 ways to get even more out of Vista by making it more accessible to all employees through Viewpoint HR Management. "If you're using Vista as the single source of truth for data in your office, it's now easier than ever with Viewpoint HR Management to ditch spreadsheets, emails, or unintegrated third party tools and automatically extend the power of Vista to the web. Viewpoint HR Management enhances the power of your Vista investment by better connecting your employees to Vista in an easy to use web application on any browser connected device. Let's go through five things that HR Management does that will dramatically improve efficiency and streamline your back office Vista processes. Number one: Employee access to earnings. Today, when you're just using Vista, if an employee needs to access information on their earnings like a W2, T4 or 1095C, they would need to be given access to Vista with the necessary security settings to get the data they need. With Viewpoint HR Management, maintain Vista as the single source of truth for payroll, but allow employees to securely access their personal earnings info on a browser connected device generated automatically from Vista, but without having to go into the ERP. Number two: Capturing expenses on the go. Employees often need to purchase things on the go. It could be supplies for the job site or a company lunch to expense and be reimbursed for. If you're just using Vista receipts would have to be submitted by an employee via paper or email to the office or someone who needed to enter and code the expense and capture the receipt. Now with HR Management, allow your employees to capture expenses on the go from their mobile device. Code expenses to a job, general ledger, equipment, work order accounts and more. Expenses can then be approved, rejected or adjusted by managers and then be ready to be batched in Vista. Number three: Employee benefit elections. Managing employee benefit elections requires tedious data entry and relying often on documentation records and email conversations outside of the ERP that are not efficiently recorded or always securely kept. But with HR Management, your back office and HR staff can guide employees to enter and update their own personal benefit elections hassle-free and in a single electronic environment that integrates directly with Vista. Number four: Company library documents. Many important documents are kept and indexed in Vista's powerful document management module, but not all of your employees have access to Vista, which isn't the place for assigning documents to all of your various individuals to review and make record of their review. Often contractors rely on using systems or paper file records outside of Vista. HR Management's library lets you documents to the digital environment by letting administrators publish employee handbooks, notices, bulletins or department documentation, with the ability to collect an employee signature to acknowledge that they have read. Number five: Integrated applicant tracking and onboarding. Many contractors struggle to effectively attract talented labor. When applications are gathered, they often live in static documents, and the hiring evaluation process might be managed in spreadsheets at best. Onboarding then requires data to be manually keyed into Vista, a time consuming and error-ridden process. With HR Management, an applicant portal can be integrated directly from your corporate website to allow applicants data to be stored in a single location for HR staff, recruiters or hiring managers to evaluate. Once a candidate is hired, their digital onboarding process leverages all of the data provided in their application, so that they don't have to re-key data. While entering their direct deposit info, benefit elections and personal info, it all updates in real time to Vista. Viewpoint HR Management enhances the power of your Vista investment by better connecting your employees to Vista in an easy to use web application on any browser connected device. It's Vista brought to the web, made awesome."