South and West Yorkshire Motorway Best Use Study (SWYMBUS)
Using Viewpoint For Projects
Mouchel began work, in June 2007, to increase the capacity on two of Britain’s most important and busiest roads, the M1 and M62 Motorways.
Following recommendations made by the South and West Yorkshire Motorway Best Use Study (SWYMBUS) the highways agency proposed to increase capacity by widening the M1 and M62 in Yorkshire.
Award winning consulting and business service group Mouchel were awarded the estimated £400 million contract. Mouchel specialise in the strategic highways sector and are behind some of the most innovative ideas in helping to combat traffic congestion.
The overall project was divided into nine separate schemes. The project included widening the M1 between Chesterfield (junction 30) and Leeds (junction 42) and also increasing capacity on the M62 between Huddersfield (junction 25) and Leeds (junction28). These sections of the motorways were proposed to be widened to four lanes in each direction.
The need for collaboration on this project was essential as the project was divided up into 9 separate schemes. Despite there already being another provider in place, the Viewpoint For Projects™ online collaboration solution was chosen.
The document and discussion modules were used extensively by Mouchel allowing all documents and discussions to be managed, across the whole project.
The major benefits to Mouchel were the ability to view up-todate information via the internet from any location in the world at any time, from any computer. All they needed was internet access. They were also attracted to the security within Viewpoint For Projects which facilitates full audit tracking on all functionality and activity, therefore making all parties accountable.