Ormonde Windfarm
Using Viewpoint For Projects
Ormonde is a development of wind assets in the Irish Sea off the coast of Cumbria. Power will be generated from 30 wind turbines, located 10km from the coastline in the location of Barrow-in-Furness. Since the site was acquired in 2008 Ormonde Energy has been developing the wind farm. On completion it will deliver around 500 gigawatt hours of electricity every year.
The build itself is revolutionary as it is the first large-scale installation to use jacket foundations. A total of 31 jackets have been installed for the turbines and substation. Considering that multiple jacket installation is complex, the offshore wind team achieved an excellent pace for the foundation installation phase.
The pace of the installation relied on ODE developing efficient processes to deliver the project and relying on excellent planning as well as efficient data and communication management.
The planning phase was more challenging than the installation phase, and the use of Viewpoint For Projects™ collaboration software ensured the main suppliers and ODE were able to take advantage of streamlined communication and information flow’s. This removed many of the time and cost barriers involved in organising a multi-organisational, multi-disciplinary project on this scale.
Organising and developing procedures to align a number of complex interrelated processes is difficult and building in contingencies to account for the unpredictable conditions in the Irish Sea makes this project almost impossible to manage.
The Viewpoint For Projects view, mark-up and discussions modules ensure that idea’s and problems can be discussed by disparate teams without the time lag usually associated with reviewing information. Also, the Viewpoint For Projects suite of communication tools such as the email drop box and Evernote mean that everyone can collaborate in real time.
Viewpoint For Projects integrated collaboration software means that everyone has access to the right information at the right time which is critical to the success of a project that is always subject to change.