Column of blog entries
How to Modernize Construction Management

The industry’s slow adoption of construction software has traditionally hindered contracting companies’ productivity.

Construction Best Practices

4 Minute Read

10 Ways Technology Is Closing the Productivity Gap

Here are 10 ways technology and software are already working to increase productivity:

6 Minute Read

Column of blog entries
Tackling Construction’s Productivity Problem

If the industry closed that gap and increased productivity levels to match the rest of the economy, the construction sector’s value ...

4 Minute Read

Why Are Contractors Using Fewer Software Applications?

Compared to other industries, construction tends to be slow to go digital. That doesn’t mean the industry isn’t going digital at all, though.

Construction Technology/News

4 Minute Read

Column of blog entries
Subcontractor Solutions for Higher Profits

Construction software has been instrumental in changing the face of the construction industry.

Construction Best Practices

3 Minute Read

Bring Health and Wellness to Your Construction Business

From project management to estimating, Viewpoint helps companies like yours be successful in many ways.

Construction Best Practices

4 Minute Read

Column of blog entries
The Most Common Reasons Construction Projects Are Delayed

Working with integrated construction software can keep everyone on the same page

Construction Best Practices

3 Minute Read

Stay on Time and on Budget With Viewpoint

More work doesn’t necessarily mean more profit. With more jobs comes more paperwork, project management, time spent working through backlogs, and more

Construction Best Practices

1 Minute Read

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