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Adopting Technology that Works in the Field and the Office

Simplifying Processes Between the Office and Field

Viewpoint Technology

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The Power of One

A Single Source of Truth

Viewpoint Technology

4 Minute Read

5 Reasons Our New HR Management Solution Has Construction Pros Swooning

Improving Applicant Tracking, Onboarding and Benefits Enrollment

Viewpoint Technology

5 Minute Read

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Business Intelligence for Construction is On the Rise & It's Obvious Why Contractors Are Loving It

A Challenging Industry Warrants Sophisticated Tools

Viewpoint Technology

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ProContractor Mobile 5.9 Enhancements

Support for Universal Window Platform (UWP)

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1 Minute Read

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ProContractor 3.12 Accounting Enhancements

Check Count to Payment Listing Report

Viewpoint Technology

2 Minute Read

Australian Contractors Integrate their Office, Team and Field Operations with Consistent Technology Innovation

​When you’re the leading construction software provider, it’s imperative to provide your clients with the best tools/resources they need to succeed.

Viewpoint Technology

4 Minute Read

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