Enterprise Customer
Cadogan Estates Relies on Viewpoint For Projects™ for Improved Communication, Reduced Administration and Increased Productivity.
Cadogan Estates is a property investor and developer with its core portfolio centered in Chelsea, London. It has owned property in Chelsea for almost 300 years and is a long-term player.
Cadogan’s interest in the enduring creation of value on its estate is reflected in its attitude to the cultural life of the area. The funding of works at Holy Trinity Church on Sloane Street, the development of a new concert venue at Cadogan Hall, and the creation of London’s first new public open space in 15 years at Duke of York Square demonstrate that Cadogan Estates continually strives to maintain the vibrancy and quality of life in Chelsea.
The people of Cadogan Estates believe passionately in the benefits of collaboration — for their customers, their partners, and themselves. The company is required to manage many different teams with many different skill sets whilst remaining flexible enough to meet the needs of customers and partners as part of a planned scheme of improvements as well as on an ad-hoc basis.
It is essential that the organisation shares data, information, and knowledge effectively to ensure that every program of work is ‘right the first time.’ Due to antiquated communication methods such as email and fax, the company lacked adequate project control.
To improve project control, Cadogan Estates signed an enterprise agreement to use Viewpoint For Projects™ to manage the maintenance of its property portfolio. The benefits Cadogan derived from using the Viewpoint For Projects online collaboration solution include improved communication, reduced administration, increased productivity and efficiency, better performance, and continued customer satisfaction.
The enterprise agreement truly highlights the flexibility of Viewpoint For Projects. Not only is it used for Cadogan’s capital delivery and major refurbishment projects, the solution is also able to manage the maintenance of its assets. So if there is a blocked sink or broken window, Viewpoint For Projects collaboration software is used to manage the process in a timely and efficient manner.