Episode 11: The Path to Successful Technology Transformations
A Viewpoint on Construction, Modern Takes on a Transforming Industry.

Episode 11: The Path to Successful Technology Transformations
Technology is booming in the construction industry, but not all contractors are prepared for the rapid-fire pace at which technology is being implemented, nor how to put it to good use. In this episode of A Viewpoint on Construction, we welcome Andrea Wright, CEO and founder of CTP Solutions, LLC. Wright. Already with a proven track record of helping contractors achieve their technology identities and plan out successful technology strategies, Wright recently formed CTP to help the industry as a whole. In this podcast, Wright discusses how to best shift through the technology minutiae, overcome hesitation and resistance and build out a successful technology strategy. Hear why having a realistic approach to change management is key and why it’s important to show all generations of users the benefits of change.
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