Column of blog entries
Understanding Different Value Perspectives

This is the second post in Viewpoint’s new blog series by Richard Scott focusing on the Value of Mobile Field Technology.

Construction Best Practices

3 Minute Read

Sydney Build 2016 - Working Together for Australia

This year’s Sydney Build, held the 10 -11 of March, was held in a beautiful industrial area just a 5-minute walk from Redfern Station


3 Minute Read

Column of blog entries
BIM Level 3 UK Budget Announcement

George Osborne’s Chancellors 2016 UK Budget announcement

Construction Technology/News

2 Minute Read

What is COBie?

There was some UK involvement from both Nick Nisbet of AC3 and also Vinci UK were involved in the development too

6 Minute Read

Column of blog entries
Why We Need COBie

COBie is actually the key differentiator for the UK Governments strategy.

5 Minute Read

World of Concrete — Connecting with the World about Technology

Viewpoint had its largest presence ever at World of Concrete 2016.


3 Minute Read

Column of blog entries
Tips & Tricks: Vista Productivity Features

Cool Vista by Viewpoint features that may be new to you!

Viewpoint Technology

1 Minute Read

UK Level 2 Standards

Over the last couple of weeks we have talked about the crucial importance of working to standards to succeed with your BIM adoption.

3 Minute Read

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