Cladding Remediation Software

Viewpoint Field View helps you manage the cladding remediation process across removal, production, shipment, installation and EWS1 Form sign-off, whilst providing a digital audit trail.

What is an EWS1 form?

The EWS1 form was introduced after the Grenfell fire to provide both residents and lenders with confidence that a building's wall construction is free of combustible materials. The EWS1, or External Wall Fire Review, is an authorised document that details the evaluations conducted on the external walls of residential apartment buildings with a height of 18 meters or more.

Experience the power of photographic evidence, audit trails, and quality assurance with Viewpoint Field View - the ultimate solution for cladding remediation! This comprehensive platform allows you to capture and store photographic evidence of all cladding remediation activities, ensuring that all work is documented and can be easily accessed for future reference. With Viewpoint Field View you can track every action taken on your cladding remediation project, providing you with a complete history of all activities. The user-friendly mobile app ensures that all team members have access to critical information and are up-to-date on project progress, improving communication and overal project performance.

"Recently we've used Field View more for compliance. Following the Grenfell disaster, we work on high-risk buildings and there's a requirement for us to demonstrate that what we put in is right and we use Field View to capture photographs and the compliance of what we've installed on-site."

— Michael Green, Managing Director, Red Systems

Photographic Evidence

Automatically capture timestamped and geolocated photos that provide a digital audit trail of completed cladding remediation work.


Use custom-built forms for all cladding and remediation processes, configurable to your business requirements, to help stay compliant. Mandatory geolocated and time-stamped photos, electronic signature signoff, and the ability to access supporting documentation are but a few of the form features available.


Create custom tasks e.g. Cladding Remediation works. Improve communication and accountability by assigning tasks to teams and subcontractors then simply track to close with complete visibility at every step.

Project Management

Process task workflows can be configured to include the submission of any form including ESW1. Colour-coded statuses provide visibility and a digital audit trail into task completion and ensure that tasks are completed in the correct order.

Reporting & Dashboards

Easily capture, share, and report data from the field to the back office. Use standard reports or create your own cladding remediation reports detailing completed work, including sign-off. Gain total visibility over project performance with visualised charts, statistics, and grid views.

Speak With an Expert About Viewpoint Field View

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts today to see how Viewpoint Field View can improve your projects.

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