Why Should Glazing and Cladding Subcontractors Use Construction Software?

Get Rid of Most of the Paperwork
Most glazing and cladding companies have processes and procedures for tracking work on-site. They have site diaries, health and safety forms and processes, and productivity reports. The problem is when you’re working on-site and everything is dirty, wet, or somewhere in between; it’s very hard to do paperwork.
It’s not that your foremen don’t want to give you the updates you need. It is just really hard to do them manually and run a job properly.
Software for glazing companies and software for cladding companies takes the paper out of paperwork, so it’s easy to complete and submit daily reports. If it’s in the cloud, it also means you get your reports in real-time.
Twenty or thirty years ago, everyone on every job site was doing things the old-fashioned way.

How specialist subcontractor software helps your business
The decision to invest in specialist subcontractor software is never one that you should take lightly. There should always be a genuine business case for any technology you use in your glazing or cladding business. In this case, with the right software, there are several benefits:
- Get daily updates from every job site, so you can see if production is on target or falling behind
- Find out about problems as they happen, so you can take the appropriate action earlier and save time and money
- Stay compliant with health and safety and other on-site regulations
- Have easy access to information when you need it – you’ll never have to sort through hundreds of pages to find the one you need again!
Software like Field View makes it easier to communicate with your job sites, which means there’s more time for everything else you have to do for your glazing and cladding business.

How specialist subcontractor software helps your reputation
Twenty or thirty years ago, everyone on every job site was doing things the old-fashioned way. These days, general contractors, architects, and engineers are all using high-tech solutions to track and measure everything that happens on their projects. From BIM to lasers and GPS measuring tools, it seems like technology has taken over on the construction site.
Upgrading your business to use software for glazing companies and software for cladding companies allows you to gather all the information your clients need and improves your professional reputation.
Careful project tracking using QA software for specialist subcontractors also means that you can deliver better results and deal with snags and deficiencies as they happen.
So, not only does specialist subcontractor software save you time in the office, but it also ensures that you look like the professionals you are. If you’re ready to take the next step and start using specialist subcontractor software in your glazing or cladding business, Trimble can help.
Contact our team to arrange a free, live demo and find out how we can help you get the job done faster, better, and with more profit in your bank account.