Bring Health and Wellness to Your Construction Business

From project management to estimating, Viewpoint helps companies like yours be successful in many ways. Our suite of software makes it easy to professionally present yourself and keep tabs on jobs, equipment, and team members. But running a construction company isn’t just about getting bids, staying under budget, and bringing in revenue. It’s also about keeping in tune with your employees whether they work in the office, in the field, or as part of the on-site team.
Health and wellness in the construction industry isn’t something that’s regularly discussed and when it is, usually focuses on safety and prevention. While that’s part of it, employee health and well-being can often be overlooked in construction. When employees are in shape and feel mentally supported, they’re less likely to injure themselves and stay productive.
Some construction workers embody the “too tough to worry about it” mentality with the attitude that nothing bad could happen to them. It’s important to make it clear that as an employer you want them there and that you’re invested in them as an employee and as a person.
Giving your employees the tools to perform at the top of their game mentally and physically is crucial. Our seven tips make setting up a wellness program for your construction team easier than you think.
1. Health insurance benefits
Make sure your workers know about all the benefits that come with their employer-sponsored health insurance. Many plans have 24-hour nurse lines which can help individuals and families determine if an ER or urgent care visit is actually needed. In addition, mental health services can be overlooked, especially by younger employees. Taking time to educate workers about what’s available to them can go a long way.
2. Tobacco cessation encouragement
While the number of smokers is on the decline, construction is one industry where tobacco use remains high. To encourage employees to stop using tobacco in all forms, point them to the American Lung Association’s program. It provides flexibility and a systematic approach to quitting that may be just what your workers need. Making it a group effort can also help motivate team members to be healthier, resulting in more efficient work overall. Some construction companies supply nicotine replacement products for free on-site to help workers quit smoking.
3. Health screenings
With schedules becoming more and more packed, free, convenient health screenings for employees can help workers keep track of their health. This could include checking cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, body fat, and more.
4. Provide healthy food options
Food trucks are ubiquitous around jobsites, but most offer fried, fatty, fast food-type options. If you’re already contracted with a food service, speak to them about including healthier, leaner choices. You can also spread the word in the community that food trucks are needed in your area to entice trendy trucks and a greater variety of gluten-free, vegetarian, and local farm-to-table options.
5. Subsidized fitness programs
Gym memberships can be expensive, and boutique fitness options, like CrossFit and boot camps, are even more pricey. Subsidizing the cost of these can be an incentive for employees to stay in shape and regularly work out.
6. Company sports teams
Employee sports teams are a great way to increase morale and encourage physical movement. Basketball, softball, soccer, cycling — the possibilities are endless to create a company team that’s open to all employees.
7. Company newsletters
Just because a crew is in the field doesn’t mean they don’t want updates from their employer. A company newsletter that highlights news, opportunities, and updates can include a health and wellness tip or opportunity.