Submit your stories about your most challenging project, most innovative use of Viewpoint technologies or greatest pivot on a project.
4 Minute Read
June 18, 2020
Submit your stories about your most challenging project, most innovative use of Viewpoint technologies or greatest pivot on a project.
4 Minute Read
June 18, 2020
How technology is helping contractors provide safer jobsites and more streamlined processes.
4 Minute Read
June 16, 2020
Viewpoint is presenting two key events in June to highlight construction data modernization and business continuity
4 Minute Read
June 3, 2020
As contractors begin to head back to work across the UK, new rules and jobsite procedures await; technology is helping teams adjust to the new normal.
4 Minute Read
June 2, 2020
Signs of hope, noteworthy trends emerged on construction landscape in our May 2020 roundup.
6 Minute Read
May 28, 2020
Why contractors are digitizing data to remove reliance on paper forms and other manual processes and adapt to a changing workforce environment
7 Minute Read
May 13, 2020
As the Coronavirus continues to impact the economy, things still feel far from “business as usual," but there are positive signs amid the uncertainty.
6 Minute Read
April 30, 2020
New live broadcast will deliver construction industry news, best practices and technology insights weekly.
2 Minute Read
April 15, 2020