RED Systems Is Driving Quality Improvement to Increase Bottom Line With Viewpoint’s Field View
Using Viewpoint Field View
Upton Park, London UK
RED Systems Ltd is a UK wide specialist sub-contractor that designs, supplies and installs a range of structural glazing, aluminium windows, doors, curtain walling and rooflight and atrium systems. RED Systems have been operating since 2004 and now employ 30 staff with their headquarters based in Cheshire, UK. Operations span across multiple sectors with a typical project value ranging from £200k to £4M.
RED Systems faced the challenges that many companies in the construction industry are experiencing that aren’t adopting digital methods. RED Systems had paper versions of health and safety systems and quality systems which caused numerous issues in terms of recording, tracking and managing records as well as the time lost through this process management system. RED Systems problems were compounded by the fact they operated remotely meaning not only adverse weather halted recording proceedings but also getting the records back to the office presented a major flaw in their practice.
RED Systems selected Viewpoint’s Field View as the digital solution to the challenges highlighted above. Field View is a cloud-based and off-line mobile solution that replaces pen and paper in the field for quality assurance / quality control, safety, project delivery and handover. The Viewpoint solution enabled RED Systems to move office activity out on to site offering them the ability to resolve issues quickly, reduce risk, and deliver higher quality projects with accurate, paperless processes in the field.
RED Systems deployed Viewpoint’s Field View to drive improvements in the quality of handover. Field View allows users to take photos and record evidence of why work cannot be completed due to third parties or weather conditions and therefore you are able to pass on liability for delays that are not down to you. As well as this you can log incomplete tasks and defects ahead of owner walk-throughs.
RED Systems immediately transformed their productivity by moving the office on site, one of the contributing reasons Michael Green, Managing Director, RED Systems Limited, would recommend Viewpoint’s Field View to other subcontractors. RED Systems saw significant improvements in their quality of handover as there were no longer any lost records. RED Systems were able to upload elevation drawings and monitor their site remotely across the UK ensuring real time information and tracking was possible to access around the clock in any location. Overall, Field View accelerated the quality of RED Systems handover and ultimately continues to improve their bottom line.