Power Generation Business Unit Improves
E.ON Power Generation Business Unit Improves Collaboration Process with Viewpoint For Projects™.

E.ON selected Viewpoint For Projects™ to assist with activities associated with asset development and project execution. The solution has been deployed across multiple projects and gives E.ON greater control of asset option selection, technology, engineering design development, management, asset procurement activities, and construction management. Plus, Viewpoint For Projects allows E.ON to address all issues throughout the company’s FEL Project Gate process.
As Owner/Developer/Operator, E.ON relies on the Viewpoint For Projects collaboration solution to review and disseminate information across both internal and external interfaces in an effective, timely, and efficient manner. Additionally, the solution’s Tender Manager application has been deployed to permit E.ON to manage all tendering activities for capital equipment and services procurement on a number of projects. Tender Manager allows E.ON to automate entire processes, and roll out tender, bid, and procurement requests in hours rather than days, as well as quickly, efficiently, and effortlessly conform to ‘best practice’ procedures.
Use of Viewpoint For Projects has been extended from capital projects to outage projects associated with the ongoing asset management phase. The solution permits E.ON to gain full visibility across all project activity and have the comfort to know that all external and internal regulatory compliance issues (such as Sarbanes Oxley and OFGEM) can be addressed with the integrated audit record within Viewpoint For Projects. The solution significantly improves the collaboration process, assists with project risk mitigation, and delivers a clear direct costsaving coupled with overall business and project efficiencies.