Canadian Heavy/Civil Contractor gains efficiencies in reporting and performance with Vista™ by Viewpoint
Using Vista
Western Canada’s Winvan Paving Ltd., has been a service oriented road builderfor over 45 years. As Winvan grew, they wanted to insure that their internalprocedures and processes grew with them, enabling them to continue both highcustomer satisfaction and efficient job performance
After a rigorous process, the‘The Good Guys’, as Winvan is known in the industry, realized their software was not keeping up. As a result, they chose a software solution equipped withthe features and functionality best suited for a busy heavy highway contractor.Winvan’s Controller, Colin Siemens shared a few reasons why Vista™ byViewpoint was selected as his company’s new software suite.
According to Siemens, “Viewpoint Construction Software®’s functionality and overall servicewill be a better fit for our business. To be honest, the demonstration went so well, we wereskeptical that the product could be as good as was demonstrated, but after conducting athorough reference review, we were happy to find that everything we were shown was validatedby current customers.” He continued, “We are especially excited with the reporting and invoicingcapabilities of Viewpoint and the company’s focus on providing outstanding customer support.”
Explaining further, Siemens was happy to learn that Viewpoint has been doing significantbusiness in Canada and already had the appropriate Canadian regulatory updates. “We werevery pleased to hear that Viewpoint had all of the Canadian T4 and T5 updates approved bythe Canadian Revenue Agency before their December regulatory release.”
Siemens looks forward to working with Viewpoint and discovering new efficiencies andreporting capabilities with Vista. He concluded, “Viewpoint’s software functionality was betterat molding to our business and the performance of the Viewpoint team was far superior towhat we’ve experienced in the past.”