Trimble Dimensions 2023: Highlights & Neon
Top Viewpoint take-aways from the hottest construction conference of the year
“Which strategy do you want: The highly optimized strategy that we know has a high chance of success? Or do you just want to go with your gut?”
"You definitely won't be doing 220 MPH on the Vegas strip on a Saturday night... the traffic is terrible!" - Uber driver to Mark Gallagher, keynote speaker from Formula 1.
Well, that’s exactly what’s happening in 2 weeks, as the Formula 1 Grand Prix shuts down the Vegas strip!
Day 1: The Dimensions Kickoff
As Trimble Dimensions kicked off in Las Vegas on Monday, 11/6, Mark had some humorous and insightful parallels between high-performance racing and high-performance project execution: Namely, relentless, incremental optimization, and prioritizing safety.

“Which strategy do you want: The highly optimized strategy that we know has a high chance of success… or do you just want to go with your gut?”
Mr. Gallagher revealed the incredible attention to detail that helped the Formula 1 team shave off 1/10th, even 1/100ths of a second, of the team’s race time. (Did you know they can change the tire in 2 seconds?!) Gut feeling only gets you so far.
Trimble Dimensions: Day 2
Did you know 7% of the world’s working-age population is employed in construction? It’s a HUGE industry… so why are we experiencing such a labor shortage?
That was the question du jour for a lot of sessions, and the Viewpoint + Trimble Integration session, “Interoperability in Construction: It's Time to Raise Expectations (Again)”—featuring Construction Progress Coalition head Nathan Wood, Tom Stemm, and Chris Peppler—have a partial answer: “Construction is the most mature and least digitized industry globally,” which is off-putting to younger generations.
About 90% of the audience agreed.

Accounting professionals had a chance to talk shop at the many regional networking “Birds of a Feather” sessions, hosted by CPAs from the “Big 5” top national accounting firms: Plante Moran, Moss Adams, and Marcum.
After attending hundreds of other sessions, attendees noshed and networked at the Expo opening night reception, surrounded by vendors like Microsoft, CAT, PwC, Hilti, Atrix, esri, and many more.
"Under Trimble Construction One, I'm not just looking at labor or costs; I'm looking at the actuals of what we got done, so I can understand how we're doing on a job. I don't think there's another company out there aside from Trimble that can actually do this." — Craig Lundskog, Finance Dir., Great Basin Industrial
Finally, attendees and Trimble employees hit the town at TAO, an exclusive nightclub in the Venetian hotel. Executives, accountants, project managers, IT folks, heavy highway and civil, and many more construction pros (and even a few marketers) wore their best neon digs and had a ball!

If you want to learn more about a solution you heard about, talk to us!