Column of blog entries
Going Green in Commercial Construction

Sustainable development has become an important factor for the construction industry — leading many contractors to adopt green construction practices.

Construction Best Practices

5 Minute Read

4 Reasons to Consider a Single Provider

While stand-alone solutions can offer compelling functionality, they also carry increased complexity

Construction Best Practices

2 Minute Read

Column of blog entries
There’s a lot more to a Field View Task than meets the eye

This is the third post in Viewpoint’s new blog series by Richard Scott focusing on the Value of Mobile Field Technology.

Viewpoint Technology

6 Minute Read

Understanding Different Value Perspectives

This is the second post in Viewpoint’s new blog series by Richard Scott focusing on the Value of Mobile Field Technology.

Construction Best Practices

3 Minute Read

Column of blog entries
World of Concrete — Connecting with the World about Technology

Viewpoint had its largest presence ever at World of Concrete 2016.


3 Minute Read

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